Sunday, January 18, 2015


Alhamdulillah diberi kesempatan untuk menulis dan membuat review walaupun dah lebih seminggu baca buku Diagnosis ni. Okay ini untuk review jujur aku untuk Diagnosis yang pertama dan the part yang difference aku boleh cakap it's a lot of knowledge and reminder untuk kita kita manusia yang hidup sementara di dunia alam nyata. I'm not sure what are the purpose of human being but I know who i'm belong to.Just for Him. So buku diagnosis banyak beri impak dari segi kekuatan,motivasi dan buat kita fikir untuk terus move forward no matter what. Bagi aku doktor is the most tough workers to be with .They're not just a doctor but it's all about the human matter. Doctor has learned how to give their best to all patient.

Muka depan buku Diagnosis act. match with content 

Banyak selok belok yang aku dapat imagine step by step being a doctor. It's not easy like what other's people think . Selalu patient mengharapkan para doktor untuk kasi sembuh tetapi pesakit lupa hanya Dia yang dapat membantu kita sembuh dari luka,tak kira apa jua jenis penyakit . Ramai menyalahkan doktor tidak berusaha, tidak dapat berbuat apa apa tapi apakan daya diagnosis kali ini banyak menceritakan segala 'enviroment' yang mereka kongsi dan cerita pada semua. 

Bagi aku buku diagnosis is more to knowledge,religious an the best part is motivation. There are alot of motivation that we can stand and think forward not just for us but for all. Para penullis Dr Anwar Fazal ,Dr Azzah dan Dr Aizzat masing masing punya jalan cerita sendiri.So that, as a reader kita boleh imagine that being a doctor not just for doctor to patient but doctor to all people include patient's family and friends. Kita boleh feel various of situation being a doctor and the ending i'm feel grateful because there are a lot of reminder for us a muslim. Banyak kata kata yang dikaitkan dengan hadis yang berkait dengan kehidupan kita sebagai muslim,terutama sekali di Malaysia.

Latar belakang buku Diagnosis

DR ANWAR FAZAL : Konsep cerita Dr Anwar Fazal more kepada cerpen or short but deep and really inspire as a muslim . Dr Anwr Fazal already known by me before this because his word is always 'reminding 'and he made it in Diagnosis.It's continous inspiring me with surah and hadis for us to teliti bait bait ayat dan make us feel like 'jauhkan lah aku dari sifat macam ni' ' syukur aku macam ni ' and ia memberi makna yang sampai untuk kita manusia biasa pernah buat salah dan tak sempurna tapi semestinya kena usaha untuk jadi lebih sempurna.Sentiasa perbaiki diri. Susunan kata - kata Dr Anwar Fazal sangat padu like he tweet everyday on twitter. Memang berkesan dan beri peringatan. Perkongsian yang memberi rasa untuk kita semua . 

DR AZAH : Dr Azah juga adalah salah sorang penulis diagnosis pertama kali ini aku kenal.Penulisan dia banyak kepada enviroment and experience yang mungkin kita tak jangka dan banyak knowledge yang kita tak pernah rasa , The best part bila her story make us feeling so curious to know why and why ? So banyak make us like ' Ya Allah selamatkan dia ' something that make us always istifar while reading .It's a big differences. Pengalaman yang Dr Azah cerita banyak juga nilai nilai murni sebagai doktor yang kita mungkin tak kan dapat rasa kalau kita bukan doktor. This is my first time knowing Dr Azah and i can imagine how she treats her patients like her family. Totally in love with her .

DR AIZZAT : He is a husband to Dr Azah.Cerita Dr Aizzat ada hala beliau sendiri yang dia nak sampaikan which is his passion and patients. A lot of knowledge regarding neuron and relate to our routine. Banyak bermain otak yang buat aku seram nak bayang .By the way ,memang best penceritaan yang menarik dan tak bosan . Selalu bagi impak untuk aku explore lagi nak baca lagi dan lagi . I'm feel that Dr Aizzat banyak pengalaman yang lagi tough dia lalui dan best bila dikongsi . Para para doktor semuanya hebat dan ternyata patients please do not depend and blame to doctor bila rasa tak sihat dan tak kena sepanjang jadi pesakit.Tapi yakinlah dengan Dia untuk kuat hadapi semua,walau bukan kita yang kena. Hanya bayangkan kita di tempat mereka,pesakit pesakit di sana,

Muka surat akhir Diagnosis : Cerita Dr Aizzat 

So,untuk conclude kan semua , Diagnosis ni memang best,banyak cara dan cerita untuk kita bergerak menuju ke arah-Nya. Tahniah untuk para doktor doktor Malaysia yang sudi berkongsi kisah kisah mereka dan mengalakkan kita ke arah -Nya . Sama sama kita doa . Buku ini amat sesuai untuk semua terutama para para remaja yang punya cita cita untuk jadi doktor hanya kerana-Nya.Mungkin lepas ini kita boleh jadi doktor untuk diri sendiri.Banyak jugak keywords doktor yang tak pernah tahu then baru tahu lepas baca .Tahniah untuk team Diagnosis dan aku baru sahaja terima Diagnosis 2 untuk aku baca lagi knowledge yang ada walau bukan budak medic tapi at least tahu cara doktor di didik dan praktik.Highly recommended untuk semua.Wajib baca !

p/s : Insyaallah lepas ni aku akan review Diagnosis 2 pulak dan tak lupa ucapan tahniah buat Dr Anwar Fazal dan Dr Fatin Liyana .


Thursday, January 1, 2015

" All Wrapped Up for 2014 "

Two thousand and fourteen i found a lot of things that i'm searching for . Yes should be fun, sad, happy, joyful and hurt . All these feeling i has feel at the end of the year and so far 2014 has been good than previous year. The best part is i got a lot of experience and knowledge , i got new environment to adapt on and I learn and keep learning what i'm to be for future. the saddest part when i cant changes my attitude to be better. It was sad because this is the wishlist starting being a student last 3 years. So far,no change still late for works and other activities . but ignore just want to tell about the happiness all the time.

burn your past
create your happiness
Let's begin
i found my partner for gossip in practical
i choose to being healthy
i met my friends after practical
i got a job
i love my job
i spread my passion
i practice my hobby
being a books lover
spending time with my hobby interest and passion
i plan very well for future
i got a new friend
i spend a lot of time with friends/best friends
i exposed to business which is my dream
i can create a new conversation (dummy / blur) then i can
i learn myself very well

i drink water on time
i appreciate my self being a worker and part time student
than i challenges my self to achieve my target *workinglife
i love being close with family even a part from friends
than i love my family
they are my strength
and my soul
to complete my journey even it is hard
and the best
i got a  lot of experience
improve my skill 
increase my confidence level
then found my passion closely
which is my dream and my future to be
this is what i found happiness in 2014

but i would like to share the saddest part *giggles
i cant manage my time properly
i cant divide what is the priority
i cant even know how to convince my self for others
i cant decide a decision even for myself
i still being a King of being late *for class and office
i'm difficult to cry on someone and myself indeed.
still being a secret person
lack of on personalisation
being cool and relax *even it's serious
cant control my budget as well
the worse part
i eat a lot
cant travel *wish to complete it this year 
time is quite tight
i never loose my target weight 

 target is to improve the saddest part into happiness
than to put my passion as my profession

Happy New Year 
May 2015 giving a lot of new changes for you and me
Btw Pray for my FinalExam soon *crying