Thursday, March 5, 2020


Jika Engkau tanya inikah yang aku inginkan?

Jawapan aku: Ya, Syukur Ya Allah.

Sesungguhnya rezeki daripada mu dan aku lah manusia yang paling terharu untuk setiap rezeki yang Engkau aturkan untuk aku.

Sebenarnya, ia adalah benar, sambung master di oversea adalah impian yang paling besar untuk aku tunaikan dan aku tak pernah sangka aku diterima dan diberi peluang oleh Mu untuk aku berjuang dalam perjuangan ilmu ini walau kemampuan aku sebelum ini benar rasa jauh dan tak mampu untuk ke oversea untuk master yang aku inginkan dan impikan. Tapi aku yakin perancangan Mu buat aku adalah yang paling terbaik. Rezeki aku hari ini adalah berkat dari doa mak dan abah, orang sekeliling dan berkat dan izinMu. Alhamdullilah.

Ya Allah, aku yakin Engkau adalah sebaik-sebaik perancang dan tak ada apa yang aku ingin ungkapkan selain Alhamdullilah syukur dengan nikmat yang Engkau berikan.

Siapa tahu susah penat aku seketika dahulu membawa diri aku hari ini dan tak ada siapa tahu isi hati ini, resah hati ini, susah hati ini selain Mu.

Dengan itu juga, Engkau lah ubat penenang, setenang tenang nya untuk aku damparkan secebis kesedihan yang aku yakin pasti ada sinar kegembiraan.

Hati ini hanya untuk Mu ya Allah. Aku mengaku saban hari mungkin tiada arah tuju untuk selesaikan satu satu masalah tetapi aku yakin Engkau janjikan yang terindah dan Engkau tahu segala apa yang ada di dalam hati ini ketika ini dan detik ini.

Saat ini, aku yakin Insyaallah dengan izinMu urusan aku untuk menggapai impian aku yang satu dapat redha Mu. Ia satu peluang yang tak akan aku sia siakan dan akan aku ingat sampai bila bila. kerana tidak mudah untuk aku sampai ke tahap ini sambung belajar di oversea.

Walauapapun terjadi pada masa akan datang, aku mohon kepada Mu untuk tetapkan hati aku untukMu, walau kadang kadang kesetiaan ini di uji untuk Mu, keimanan ini diusik syaitan yang tak pernah diam, aku mohon kau cekalkan hati ini untuk Mu, supaya hidup aku lebih tenang dan tenteram.


16 August 2019

Hello 2020!

Hello 2020!

After all tears and hardship that i have spend over the last quarter of 2019 was answered sequentially by Him. First thing I would say Alhamdullilah for this opportunity and chance given by Him for me to continue my Master of Information System Management as i wished! I'm blessed with it and I never expect i would be here in Australia! *act. I wrote this in my diary but yeah now it's happened! I can't believe it until now. Alhamdullilah. Thank you, Allah.

It's unpredictable result as I'm almost give up on this after all the test I sat last year. However, i'm strongly believed He is the best planner and knew what is the best for me. I took this chances to improve and prove to myself that I can do it until the end, Insyaallah.

I have finished all my things done for my scholarship, rented a home with another three housemate from Malaysia and lastly completed my enrollment for this Term 1. Alhamdulillah everything went well even I'm quite slow to adapt with this new environment. It is totally new for me  by living abroad, a far from my family. All communication here is a native English with Australian slank and it takes time for me to adapt with all the changes here. 

Now, i'm almost there as I face all changes and circumstance for the first and second week of attended the classes. The environment, education system, culture, people and food are totally new for me. I'm trying to gain a confidence level and becoming bold and rigid. Sometime I wonder, why He placed me here at this time. Is it because I'm really wanted to be here? Is it because I'm suitable with this? Is is because of dua's that I prayed previously? Is it because of my parents wish? 

I don't know.....I could say Alhamdullilah for everything and I just want to strive the best 
because this chance is a gold. I will pay attention, be focus and put a double effort for the things that I never learned, the process that i never expect and the changes that i should improve.

I knew it was hard for me at first by putting a double effort, study hard and think smart by this first process of adaption. I believed, it is a new beginning for me to achieve my dream and become someone better. Dreams will always come true with passion, hard work and effort. Lastly, of course with His blessing and willing. 

2020! I wish, I will become a wise and better person in any situation and challenges. I hope this journey makes my life more happier, healthier and easier for another upcoming years. I wanted to say thank you Allah for ALL! as I can't count all Rezeki you gave to me. Alhamdullilah. Even for another 10 years, i actually have a plan but NOW, I want to focus for what I have now. As i said this chance is like a gold and i'm trying my best to have a very successful goal. and successful person to inspire others. Insyaallah.

Pray for my master journey in Sydney! AND may He bless and ease my 'travelling' journey as a full time student.  Insyaallah.